jeudi 27 décembre 2012


Bertozzi & Casoni, Rebus, 2009

Kathryn Andrews, Giftcart, 2011

Lassry Elad, Two Crystals, Red, Green, 2012

Odile Decq, I hate X-mas, 2010

Lionel Scoccimaro, Sapin, 2011

Roman Signer, Room with Christmas Tree, 2010

Pierre Ardouvin, Bonhomme de neige, 2007

John Armleder, All Night Party, 2003

John Baldessari, Christmas (with Double Boy on Crutches), 1991

Paul McCarthy Santa Claus/I>, 1996

Christmas is over but contemporary artists know how to make it lasts...
If you wanna go further read this...

Nightmare after Christmas.

You don't know what to do during your holidays... Draw on your old vinyls some corpse paints and inverted crosses like bargain in blasphemy.
It reminds us the way the artist Russell Nachman depicts ironically our modern society.

dimanche 9 décembre 2012

Pretty as a Swastika.

We mentioned some times ago the mysterious French band Glaciation… Well, the band plays with anonymity and pursues the tradition of some Black Metal bands to stay in the dark, and to never expose themselves.  Of course it excites curiosity… They hit something thanks to their aesthetic pilgrimage. Their unusual methods cause much ink to flow… 

All about this is very cleverly settled up. And we're not surprised to discover that behind this there is Metastazis. The Paris based design studio has been founded by Jean-Emmanuel Simoulin aka Valnoir. And even not much surprised to learn that Glaciation is Valnoir's own band (he played bass guitar before in The CNK). All makes sense. 
And finally, this great Waitan's poster we already talked about, is one of Metastazis' productions. 
But Valnoir has more than one sting to his bow. He gives lectures as a graphic designer (as in Ljubljana) and participates to art exhibition as an artist.

Valnoir photographed by William Lacalmontie for the Gewaltkunstwerk show.

At the moment, you'll have to go to Norway to notably see his work in an intriguing martial exhibition called GewaltKunstWerk, held at the Kristiansand Kunsthalle until 12/31.

The Gewaltkunstwerk's poster designed by Valnoir.... an homage to Pierre Pinoncelli ?

Exploring the notion of terrorism and giving to artists the status of soldiers, this show curated by Cornelius Jakhelln (who, apart of being a curator, is also a writer working on Nazi Jihad, and a musician in the band Sturmgeist) deals with violence, subversion and politics. It's a courageous and ambitious project even if the subject might be tendencious. That's great to let art as a free space and in the same time questioning some of the most taboo themes (notably thanks to the seminar about extremism in music). And moreover, It's always a pleasure to admire great works of art like Dennis Rudolph's utopian engravings (one of his painting is exhibited at the moment in Paris at the Olivier Robert Gallery) and Sindre Foss Sckanke's powerful paintings.


The idea of the Gesamtkunstwerk is still a great fantasy for art. Some artists, by mixing art, music, and performances, are closed to the Wagnerian will. Valnoir proves that French artists have a voice, but maybe more convincing when concerning Black Metal.

mercredi 31 octobre 2012

Happy Artloween 2

Contemporary Art flirting with Halloween...

Friedrich Kunath Distance, 2012
Figure: Watercolor on aqua resin and styrofoam, telephone cable, cotton, imitation fruit
Base: Enamel on MDF © Friedrich Kunath

James GordonStone the Bloody Crow, 2012
25 x 25 cm, French Paper

Nicolas Darrot, Muad'dib, 2012
Silicon elastomer, PLA.

Peter Kohler, Witching Hour, 2009
Ink and varnish on MDF

Haim SteinbachUntitled (cabbage, pumpink, cabbage n°1), 1987
Mixeds media construction

Irena knezevicThe Oath, 2006, 
ceiling size light-box, dimensions variable

Luigi Presicce, Poker, 2005
Oil on canvas

Andrea Mastrovito, The last Man, 2012
works on paper

Saskia Edens, Make-up, 2008
video 18'11


Nell, Some of the things I AM, 2011
 Image courtesy of Roslyn Oxley9 Gallery and © the artist

Andy Warhol, Witch, Myths Suite II.261, 1981
screen print acrylic

mercredi 24 octobre 2012

Blitzkrieg Bop-Art.

After working with Neil Young for the art cover of the album Americana in late june, Shepard Fairey works as a curator. He stages an exhibition of an unexpected artist : Dee Dee Ramone!
Dee Dee Ramone : A memorial exhibition will take place at the Subliminal Project Gallery (owned by Fairey!) in LA.
Even if the guitar bass player of the legendary Ramones started to paint just few years before he died, and even if he there is no real artistic value, it's always intriguing to discover these.
Ten years after he passed away, it remains something of his incredible intensity, his sense of humor and irony.
Too bad the title is a little bit solemn.

lundi 1 octobre 2012

What happened to Cheap Monday?

Play to find the differences between:

the old logo:
 and the new logo:

of the Swedish brand.....
Not that easy, right?

Is it what we call a conversion.... to capitalism?

Considération inactuelle 8 : Arte, la télé qui vous allume.

dimanche 9 septembre 2012

1990 - 1994.

We do not know much stuff about the project Glaciation but it seems to be well thought out... Black metal was against commercialization but it seems that everything evolves. Crisis effect.  This band, for the release of their first album, dares to lure us with this brilliant teaser (great sense of embezzelment).

Nobody will forget this release. Out Oct.12...

Lang-urous americana.

On September 1st, the Spring 1990 from the Grateful Dead has been released.  The 18 cd box limited to 9.000 copies (almost 200$) recounts a tour made in 6 different cities in Maryland. This release marks also a great collaboration with the prolific New York artist Wes Lang. After his show last June at the Half Gallery, he enjoys us with this great cover art. The circle is now complete as Wes Lang used to be a huge fan of the Dead. "The Gratefull Dead, for me, is America at its finest" as he said!


This short film by the artist David Shrigley was originally made for his "brain activity" exhibition at the Hayward gallery, London. It reminds us that Rock music should always be related to the body whereas electronic music is related to the head.

Headless Drummer
animation (1mn, continuous loop), ed : 6 + 1AP

samedi 30 juin 2012

Waiting for the Sunn.

Sunn O))) at Hellfest 2012!

Roland Flexner, Untitled, 1992, oil on canvas, Diptych, 203 x 265 cm

mardi 12 juin 2012

Mathieu : lyrical sparks.

Georges Mathieu, one of the most important French painter, inventor of the Lyrical Abstraction just lost his final battle. In spite of his fame, he never had the success he deserved but he had his revenge upon the others, his revenge upon God as he wished to have. From esoterism to History, his work was freed from all the classical strangleholds but nevertheless deeply rich and intellectual. Born in Boulogne (sur mer) and dead in Boulogne (Billancourt), his royal career had to come to an end as he decided to stop painting few years ago. As a genius he gave new rules to Art. His death will probably be his last work of art because it will bring him back to life...

Painting (Peinture), 1952. Oil on canvas, 78 3/4 x 118 inches (200 x 299.7 cm). Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York 

mercredi 6 juin 2012

Lighting up... candle.

Fantoft... 20 years already... 

mardi 22 mai 2012

70 millions d'oeuvres.

Après avoir lu celle de Gombrich, vous pourrez vous divertir et apprécier celle de Hold Your Horses !
Le clip original et drôle du morceau 70 Million est une belle compilation des oeuvres clés de l'histoire de l'art, de Botticelli à Vélasquez, de Vermeer à Chagall. Dommage qu'il manque un peu d'art contemporain !

Et en plus ils sont en concert ce soir au Nouveau Casino pour un cours en live...

dimanche 20 mai 2012

Nike : et ça repart.

Un groupe incroyable, talentueux, et singulièrement original, ayant tracé sa route depuis Brighton et pendant une dizaine d'années, a choisi l'an passé et malgré la qualité de leur musique de mettre un terme à cette expérience. The Eighties Matchbox B-line Disaster n'a malheureusement pas été reconnu à la hauteur de son talent, à cause de leur nom penserez-vous. Une présence scénique exceptionnelle, des morceaux solides, saisissants et envoûtants, ce groupe avait tout. Ils laissèrent comme un goût d'inachevé en annonçant leur séparation.

Mais depuis peu, une parousie nous les ramène à notre souvenir et efface l'obscurité d'une ignorance malheureuse. Certes, c'est pour une publicité, mais si les foulées de Ronaldo, Ribéry et consorts ouvrent une brèche et libèrent au monde entier ce bijou gâché, on en sera alors heureux.

vendredi 18 mai 2012

jeudi 17 mai 2012

He's a natural-born villain.

Dead - Armageddon 2.

Après les aventures aériennes de Euronymous, c'est au tour de Dead, Per Yngve Ohlin, l'autre figure emblématique de Mayhem de voir son image devenir un motif pour une marque. Moins emphatique et grandiloquent, ce détournement ravira tout de même les modeuses les plus extrêmes... Blackbird en nécrophage se régale des vieux restes

jeudi 3 mai 2012

lundi 26 mars 2012

Pure fucking armageddon.

La compagnie aérienne Norwegian propose d'apposer sur la queue de ses avions une image de Oystein Aarseth. Autrement dit, choisir comme figure patriotique et symbole national Euronymous de Mayhem... Il s'agit d'un vote, mais pour le moment, c'est le shaman du black metal qui se démarque. Appelé un temps Destructor, il est celui qui sous les assauts d'un viking païen a vu son monde détruit et sa vie devenir une légende. Celui qui collectionnait les objets liés aux communisme, celui aux ambitions démesurées qui se voulait être à la tête d'un groupuscule belliqueux, trouvera peut-être une gloire post-mortem. Pour ceux qui le croient au ciel, bientôt peut-être, le sera-t-il réellement pour chacun.

Après avoir hanté la Biennale de Venise, sous les doigts agiles de Steven Shearer, la figure de Oystein Aarseth est en passe de devenir une icône mondiale. Récupérée par les artistes, sa destinée semblait prévisible et logique, mais celle plus étonnante et déstabilisante qui se dresse face à lui nous fait frissonner.

Steven Shearer, Longhairs, 2004

lundi 19 mars 2012

Umskiptar : métamorphoses.

On en parlait avec ferveur et grand intérêt il y a quelques mois, ce nouvel album de Burzum recèle bien des surprises. A commencer par son visuel. Même très attaché au grand art, Varg Vikernes n'en est pas moins un grand indécis en matière d'artwork pour ses albums. Après avoir présenté sous les couleurs mordorées de Thomas Fearnley ce Umskiptar, le voici métamorphosé, incarné sous les traits délicats d'une prophétesse, Heidi ou la sorcière Groa...
Déjà, pour Belus, seule pochette depuis Aske à présenter une photographie, l'indécision et le doute avait semé le trouble. Pour cet album à venir, toujours pas de logo, mais un changement de typo subtil permet une transition légère avec son prédécesseur Fallen.

L'oeuvre utilisée se voit encadrée, délimitée par un cerne jaune. C'est la première fois que Burzum ne s'approprie pas pleinement un visuel. Burzum reste dans l'ombre, en retrait, en deçà. Mais il est, avec ces peintres, le transmetteur d'une tradition perdue...

Naissance et évolution de Umskiptar